My Convictions & Confessions

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Memorable Items & Photos?

Seriously speaking.. I dont know what to write or post. I'm a NOOB in this blogging business.This is like the first time ever in my life posting some photos up. Well.. It is rather random...

Well... This is the legendary ROYCE Chocolate!! Sadly, this is only the left over... The real thing is gone!!! And Check out the Expiry Date!!! LOL.. You will have to eat finish this the day you see me in Church!! =)

Well, the following shots below are just some testing shots using my iPhone 2.0 mega pix.. You will get to see my favourite drink (COKE!) and my sister in law.. Also my Colleague from China, Becky Yang! Identify them all! =)






Well, tribute to my Blogging Shifu(No names mention). Spiritual people don't name names. Had fun myself doing all these. Hope that next time will be more spiritual abit. And also, I will buy myself a CAMERA using my ANG BAO money NEXT CNY! =)

Until Next Time,

Jason Chua

The Dreamer!

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