My Convictions & Confessions

Monday, February 16, 2009

My life is not my own..

Please let me not be like the captain of the ship and crew..

Who will zipped up their life jacket and sail off to safety and leave the people behind in the wrecking ship...

Give me a pair of eyes to see the weak
Give me a pair of ears to hear the cry of the hurting
Give me a mouth to share the love of Jesus to the broken
Give me hands that will reach out to the dying
Give me a body that will bear the bruises of those who are in pain
Give me a pair of feet that will go to those who are poor
Give me a heart that will beat for every single one who are lost
Give me a life that will not live for myself..but others

Christian living is simply putting the 2 Greatest Commandments into action which leads to fulfilling the Great Commission...

Not my own..

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